Sidamo Coffee


Sidamo was a province in the southern part of Ethiopia. Its name has it’s from a native ethnic group of Ethiopia, called Sidama, which are located in the south-central part of the country. Their major political state was the ancient Kingdom of Sidama. The old political map says Sidama was bordered by Gama-Gofa on the west, Shewa on the north, Bale extending from north to east, a small portion on the southeast by Somalis, and on the south by Kenya.

coffee beans on gray steel wok
coffee beans on gray steel wok
Characteristic and use

Sidamo coffee is grown at high altitudes, typically between 1,500 and 2,200 meters above sea level. The coffee plants are grown in fertile soil and are shaded by trees, which helps to protect the plants from the sun and provides a natural habitat for native birds and other wildlife.

Sidamo coffee is typically processed using the washed processing method, which involves removing the outer layers of the coffee cherry and then washing the beans to remove any remaining mucilage. This process results in coffee beans that are clean, bright, and highly aromatic.

red round fruits on green leaves during daytime
red round fruits on green leaves during daytime

Sidamo coffee is considered a specialty coffee, and it is highly prized by coffee enthusiasts for its unique flavor and aroma. The coffee is typically sold through specialty coffee retailers or directly to roasters, who may use it as a base for their blends or feature it as a standalone offering for customers.

brown printed sack lot
brown printed sack lot